How it started
The roots of MFA
The Manitoba Forestry Association (MFA) was created in the early 1970’s, but our roots reach back to the early 1900’s. That is when the Canadian Forestry Association (CFA) was established by a group of foresters, business leaders, legislators, and private citizens who felt Canadians needed to understand the important role forests played in our country’s environment and economy. It was a ground-breaking move, as the concept of natural resource conservation was barely understood in those days. However, these forward-thinkers forged ahead, kicking off their programming with a focus on forest fire prevention.
As the initiative expanded to encompass education around the entire forest ecosystem, so too did the CFA, and in 1945 the Canadian Forestry Division – Prairie Provinces Division was created. This evolved into the Prairie Provinces Forestry Association and finally, the three prairie province’s established separate associations, and the Manitoba Forestry Association was born.
This successful legacy has since been nurtured by a dedicated and growing group of volunteers, funders, and MFA members who believe strongly in the importance of forest education.